Trainings & Courses

Wastewater Surveillance Utility Needs - WEF Conference
DEC-Approved Training Course for Operators (4.25 contact hours)
Do you have ideas about how health departments can more effectively support wastewater utilities in wastewater surveillance programs? Join the Water Environment Federation, in collaboration with Syracuse University, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Environmental Protection Agency, at a one-day workshop in Syracuse, NY.

Introduction to Wastewater Surveillance for Local Health Departments (Virtual)
The Introduction to Wastewater Surveillance for Local Health Departments course is designed for local health department directors and public health commissioners. The course provides an overview of wastewater surveillance, details of the program, the science behind the system, and how the program works. The course is a requirement for the year 11 local health department performance incentive program.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Identify key aspects of wastewater surveillance science and its applications
Describe the New York State Wastewater Surveillance Network
Describe ways LHDs can use wastewater surveillance data for public health action

Introduction to the NYS Wastewater Surveillance Network (Virtual)
DEC-Approved Training Course for Operators (2.0 contact hours)
This training course will introduce the NYS Wastewater Surveillance Network. Learn about:
The purpose and history of wastewater surveillance for public health benefit
Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic
The long-term goals of improving health security and expanding surveillance